OAKLEY sunglasses. I think it goes well with any fashion, especially cyber style. There are no stains at all, and it feels very comfortable to wear. It will be from 90s to 00s. Please purchase only if you understand that this is second-hand clothing. OAKLEYのサングラスになります。どんなファッションでもあい、特にサイバー系などに似合うと思います。汚れはまったくなく、着け心地もとても良いものになります。90sから00sなものになります。 古着と言うことを理解していただける方のみご購入よろしくお願いいたします。 20時までに購入で当日発送してます!
OAKLEY sunglasses. I think it goes well with any fashion, especially cyber style. There are no stains at all, and it feels very comfortable to wear. It will be from 90s to 00s.
Please purchase only if you understand that this is second-hand clothing.